Touching his arm, Mariel said, “Sara is going to be livid when Uriel calls.”


“That’s her problem.”

“And subsequently, yours and Ms. Hollis’s.”

Reed’s jaw clenched. Ambitious, masochistic, and shrewd, Sara had wanted to head any investigation into the rogue Infernal creature so that she could take the credit for its eventual vanquishing.

“There’s nothing to be done about that,” he dismissed. “The Infernal has never hunted on her territory. She’s in no position to lead an investigation.”

“She’ll expect that your relationship will give her an advantage.”

“We don’t have a relationship.” They’d never had one. He had been a stud to service her and she had been diverting. Once he realized she would rather sabotage his efforts to advance to archangel than help him, he’d ended the affair. However, although she didn’t love him, she didn’t want anyone else to have him either.

Mariel studied him carefully. “Has Sara seen you with Ms. Hollis?”


“You better pray she never does.”

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His mouth curved. “You’ve never seen me with her either.”

“I’ve seen you without her, that’s plenty.”

Reed caught her elbow and led her down the long hall, away from the traffic and Infernal stench that distinguished the lobby area. Eve said the E.P.D. reminded her of noir films. He could see the resemblance in the muted lighting, inlaid glass doors, and smoky air.

“What are you going to do now?” he asked.

“Pay attention to all the orders that come down and protect my Marks. I’ll skip a call before I send one of my crew to get slaughtered.”

“Uriel isn’t one to delay.”

“Thank God. And you? Are you leaving to join her now?”

Reed kept his face impassive. “After I grab a few things.”

“Be careful.” Her tone told him she wasn’t fooled by his nonchalance.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “You, too.”

“My worries aren’t even half of yours,” she muttered. “You’re on shaky ground, my friend. I don’t want to see you fall.”

Walking toward the elevators, Reed thought of Eve and suspected it was already too late. God help him.

“God help us all.”


Monterey was a chilly, foggy town in the morning. The gray sky and thick, misty ground cover added to the somber mood of the training area. Lined up shoulder-to-shoulder with the other Marks, Eve gazed warily at the view beyond Gadara, who stood before them. Peeling paint, broken windows, and haphazardly leaning structures formed a dystopian city occupied by rotting mannequins and junkyard cars.

“Welcome to Anytown,” the archangel said in his luxuriant timbre. “Where anything can happen.”

He was smiling and looking far too anticipatory for Eve’s taste. His attire of khaki green sweat suit emblazoned with “Gadara Enterprises” was overly casual in her estimation. She had never seen him so laid back, and the skeptical side of her brain wondered if he expected to be camped out here for a while.

For her part, she’d dressed in comfortable jeans, T-shirt, and sweater jacket. On her feet she wore what she now considered to be necessary footwear—combat boots. All of her pretty heels and sandals were stored away. She missed them, but she valued her life more than her fashion sense.

“As Ms. Hollis so heroically demonstrated last night,” Gadara continued, “vanquishing a target is only half the battle. First, you must confirm that you have acquired the correct Infernal before proceeding. That is the focus of today’s training exercise.”

“Was that the plan before last night?” Ken asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“I wantae ken if our training was goosed because Hollis and Molenaar were scrapping like a bunch of haddies.”

“She attacked me!” Molenaar cried.

“This particular assignment was scheduled for later in the week,” Gadara conceded. “But this is a simple rearrangement, not a replacement. You will not be deprived of anything, Mr. Callaghan. I promise you that.”

Ken leaned forward and looked down the row at Eve. His expression clearly said he wasn’t pleased. She smiled and waved. He wore all black today—black jeans, black turtleneck, and black ski cap. On someone else the outfit might have been too stark and slightly intimidating. Ken, however, looked like he’d stepped out of the pages of GQ magazine.

“This exercise is designed to simulate actual field conditions.” Gadara began to walk down the line, inspecting each Mark. “In this scenario, you are hunting a rogue faery.”

“What is the alleged crime?” Edwards asked.

“You are not concerned with why you are hunting, Mr. Edwards. That is something you will rarely know.”

“Got it. Sorry.”

Gadara held up a black armband, which he produced out of thin air. “For training purposes, you will wear these directly over your marks. It holds a thin metal pad that will heat up when in proximity to a similar band worn on your target.”

“The smell of the Infernal will not be enough?” Romeo asked.

Laughter swelled through the group.

“If there was only one, yes. But when will you be in an urban situation such as we are staging today and have only one Infernal in the area, Mr. Garza? Today’s exercise would not be a very realistic simulation with only one demon present.”

“So there’s more than one,” Eve murmured.

“Of course. In addition to your target, there are other Infernals within the designated training area. Some are working in collusion with the demon you hunt and they will try to distract you. The others are simply bystanders. Later on in the week, we will also be training alongside an Army platoon, which will add mortals to the mix and force you to work without arousing suspicions. But in the beginning, you will be focused on hunting your designated target among a group of Infernals.”

“Well,” Ken said, grinning. “If our bands burn, we’ll know what tae do.”

“It is not quite that easy, Mr. Callaghan. You will see how fear alters your judgment and goads you to act rashly. That is the reason we train Marks so extensively. You must learn to ignore your terror and work through it.”

“What does the winner get?” Richens asked.

“You will succeed or fail as a team, which leads me to the rules of engagement. Number one: take pains to avoid wounding your fellow Marks. Anxiety fosters careless mistakes.”

“Yeah, Hollis.” Laurel blew a bubble with her chewing gum, then popped it. “Watch out.”

Eve looked at her and rubbed the space between her brows with her middle finger.

“Are you flipping me off?”

“Ladies, please.” Gadara shook his head. “You may save each other’s lives one day.”

“How much time do we have to catch the Infernal?” Romeo asked.

“This is not a timed assignment. We will remain at the training site until the Infernal is captured.” Gadara moved over to the nearby tent and picnic table. He set his hands on one of several large coolers resting on the tabletop. “There are sandwiches and drinks here, if you need them.”

“We should begin now,” Claire said. “I have no wish to be out here after dark.”

“It’s morning,” Izzie drawled. “There are eight of us. We will not be out here long.”

“Will we be given weapons?” Ken asked.

“To a certain extent.” The archangel swept his hand in a wide swath before him. A tarp covered with various knives and pistols appeared on the ground at his feet. Eve bit back a smile. The twinkle in his eyes told her he was thoroughly enjoying the free use of his celestial gifts.

Ken frowned. “I dinnae ken.”

“Injuries inflicted with these items are survivable. The bullets are rubber and the knife blades are short to ensure shallow wounds. So whether or not they will be of any use to you remains to be seen.”

“What’s the point, then?” Richens muttered. “A bloody mug’s game. That’s what this is.”

“Rule of engagement number two: this is not a hunt to kill. The Infernals work for me, so refrain from overzealousness. Some of you will strike first and ask questions later. It will take time to learn how to suppress your instincts long enough to use mental reasoning.”

“I thought learning to trust our instincts was the point,” Edwards said.

“When you are frightened and something lunges out at you, what is the usual instinctive response?”

“Fight back,” Izzie said.

“Or run,” Claire offered.

“Correct. But you are marked, Ms. Dubois, and you will not flee. The mark will have filled your veins with adrenaline and you will thirst for blood. And if it was a mortal who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Someone who is as frightened as you and fighting for his life, mistakenly believing you are the enemy? Instincts are blunt instruments; reasoning minds are sharp.”

Silence weighed heavily over the group.

“Any further questions?”

Eve spoke up. “What would you consider a successful mission?”

The archangel smiled. “Since the goal of this exercise is discovering that answer for yourselves, telling you would defeat the purpose. I can tell you what I would consider to be failures: the injury of one of you, failure to cooperate among yourselves, or the injury of one of my Infernals. There are more, but those are the outcomes I would find most disturbing.”

Ken rubbed his hands together. “I’m ready to go.”

“Excellent. Chose your weapons. One per person, please.”

Eve watched the others pick over the selection. Izzie and Romeo both selected knives. Edwards picked a revolver. Molenaar went for a 9mm, as did Laurel after rejecting all of Romeo’s varied suggestions. Claire liked the Glock. Ken went with brass knuckles. Eventually, only Richens and Eve remained. The others moved with Gadara over to the tent area to be outfitted with their armbands.

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