Jessica could tell she was telling the truth. The woman seemed to have unending patience, which was definitely a must for a child care provider. She was shocked to find she did like the woman.

“As much as I hate to leave this precious little one, I will get going and let you both get back to your day,” Julia said and then handed Jacob back to Jessica.


“We’ll discuss things and get back to you within the next couple of days. I have all your information. We really appreciate you coming by and spending so much time with us today,” Alex said, as he led Julia from the room.

“Thank you both very much. You have a beautiful family and I would love to be a part of it,” Julia replied, then left.

“What do you think?” Alex asked her.

“I think she seemed pretty great. I guess the idea of a nanny wouldn’t be all bad. It was nice to be able to take a nap today,” Jessica conceded. Her face turned a shade of red, as she was picturing the way she’d woken up from her second nap that afternoon.

Alex’s eyes darkened, also remembering the pleasant way they’d awoken. His hands itched to grab her and pull her close.

“I’ve already run the background check and verified her references. Her last family couldn’t say enough great things about her. The kids all remain in contact with her and consider her an honorary aunt. They adore her and the family begged her to stay on with them, even after the kids had grown but she told them she needed to continue to be a nanny. She loves young ones far too much to give that up.”

“I guess there’d be nothing wrong with trying it out,” Jessica conceded. “Just make sure to tell her we aren’t sure if it will be a permanent situation,” she added, not sure if she wanted to commit to a nanny long term.

“I’ll give her a call. She already told me she could begin tomorrow.” He left the room and Jessica was a little nervous with how quickly things were moving along.

The rest of the afternoon and evening flew by. Alex spent most of his time in his home office and Jacob was fussy, requiring all of Jessica’s attention. She was grateful to have gotten the nap in, because she had a feeling it was going to be a very long night.

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Alex helped her walk Jacob around during the evening. She was trying to stay unattached but he made it very difficult when he was amazing.

Around nine that evening Jacob’s fever broke and he finally fell asleep. Both Alex and Jessica were happy he was feeling better and breathed sighs of relief as they stared down at their sleeping child.

The crying didn’t bother either of them. They just felt powerless with their son not feeling good and not being able to do more than walk him.

“He’s cutting his first tooth and it’s hard on him. I think the worst of it’s over now,” she said, in explanation of Jacob’s illness.

“I wish there was more I could do,” Alex replied.

“I know. But the best thing to do is cuddle him and walk around. He enjoys the motion and I think getting to look around helps him to not feel the pain.”

“Let’s go to bed. I’m exhausted,” Alex said, while he turned towards their bedroom.

Jessica hesitated. Alex had said he wouldn’t push her into anything but she knew he didn’t really have to push. She wasn’t sure if she was ready yet to share a bed with him. She’d already involved her feelings way too much into the marriage and was afraid to hand over her entire heart.

“Jessica, we aren’t going to do anything you don’t want to. Let’s just go to bed,” he repeated to her. She could see the irritation in his eyes and hear it in his voice. She knew he didn’t like that he had to push his wife into sleeping with him.

“Fine Alex, I agreed to this marriage so I’ll share the bed. I’m sorry if I misled you on the couch today but I don’t want to have sex.” She finished talking and stepped ahead of him into the room. She grabbed her favorite pajamas and went to the bathroom to change.

“You can try to run but you want this just as much as I do,” Alex whispered, far too quietly for Jessica to hear. He knew it was going to be a long night. He was determined to have her come to him though. He knew it wouldn’t take long.

Alex climbed into bed, wearing nothing but boxer shorts. He only kept those on out of deference to her. He preferred to sleep in the nude. He was lying on his back, with his hands under his head and the covers were only pulled up to his waist.

Jessica took a deep breath at the sight of him when she walked out of the bathroom. He was unbelievably sexy. He had the perfect amount of muscles, rippling with each movement he made. His stomach was hard and defined and the trail of hair on his lower stomach disappeared under the blanket, causing her mouth to water. She wanted to trail her fingers over him, finding all his favorite spots. Even as exhausted as she was feeling, she knew she’d be lucky to get any sleep lying there next to him.

He said nothing to her but followed her every move as she slowly walked to her side of the bed. She quickly jumped under the covers, turning away from him, hugging the edge of the bed like it was a lifeboat. She pulled the covers up to her chin and started counting sheep. He flicked off the bedside lamp and before she knew it, exhaustion took her into blissful nothingness.

Alex lay there, hard and aching. He knew if he reached out and pulled her close, she would easily succumb to him. But he didn’t want to coerce her. He wanted her to come to him willingly. If that meant he needed to take a few cold showers while he waited then that’s what he’d do. He finally drifted into a restless sleep.

Alex woke up with Jessica pressed up against him. He was lying on his back with her facing him. Her leg was wrapped over both of his and her arm was around his lower stomach. Her head was resting on his shoulder, placing her mouth mere inches away from his own.

He glanced at the clock, noticing it was midnight. They’d been in bed only a couple of hours. She must’ve drifted over to him in her sleep. He was too tired and far too turned on to play the gentleman.

She started to stir and wiggled against him, causing his body to physically jerk in the air. He could feel himself begin to pulse. He wanted to bury himself deep inside of her and damn the consequences.

He turned so they were facing each other and his hands started roaming over her body. She pushed into him, letting out a moan of pleasure, starting to wake up. Her leg was still wrapped over him, though when he turned it caused his erection to be centered on her core. Only a wisp of fabric separating the two of them.

He ran his tongue over her bottom lip and her eyes parted slightly, at the same time another moan escaped her lips. He then gripped the back of her head and kissed her passionately. She woke up fully and kissed him back just as urgently.

His hands began to explore her once again and he stopped the kiss long enough to pull her nightgown over her head. He then resumed the kiss, pulling her so tightly against him, not a wisp of air could’ve gotten through. Her hips were moving against his erection and he was afraid their lovemaking would end far too soon.

He flipped her onto her back and moved his mouth down to her full breasts. She arched her back as his tongue ran over her budded nipple. He licked and caressed the fullness of her breasts, making her jerk upward, seeking more. He wanted to give them far more attention but was conscious of her nursing and knew too much play would cause problems. Instead he ran his tongue down the center of them and then nibbled his way across her stomach.

She was pleading with him to take her. He was close to doing just that but he would make sure their time together was good for her too. The only other time they’d made love, in the elevator, had ended far too quickly.

He ripped the last barrier between them away from her body and then his mouth was kissing her in the most intimate way possible. She jerked her hips in the air as pleasure washed over her. “Alex please…” she cried out.

He couldn’t take any more, as he quickly shed his own shorts and then poised over her. “You’re so beautiful,” he gasped, as he looked down into her flushed face.

He thrust his tongue into her mouth at the same time he finally gave them both what they wanted and submerged his engorged shaft deep within her folds. She jerked her hips upward, wanting him even deeper. He gladly obliged her unspoken request.

He could no longer hold anything back. He pushed into her fast and she matched him thrust for thrust. She was panting and then suddenly cried out. He felt her pulsing around him and he lost all control. He pushed in one final time and then spilled deep inside of her.

With his last ounce of energy he turned onto his back, while pulling her up close to his side. He wasn’t letting her pull away from him again. He’d broken his rule of making the first move but she hadn’t offered any form of resistance and they weren’t taking steps back.

Neither of them said anything but after their breathing returned to normal, he felt her trying to pull away. He just tightened his arms around her. “Go back to sleep Jessica,” he commanded. She gave up the fight soon drifting off. He quickly followed her.

Chapter five

Jessica woke up and turned over. Ouch! She was sore. She sat up, realizing she was alone in the very large bed. Her hands flew to her face as she replayed the previous night in her mind. She and Alex had made love, not only once but twice. The first time, when she’d woken up plastered against him and the second time, after feeding Jacob and laying back down.

There’d been no hesitation on her part. He’d reached for her and she’d fallen instantly into his arms. How was she supposed to keep her distance from the man when the second he touched her she melted? She was relieved and saddened at the same time to find herself alone.

She quickly got up and checked on Jacob, who fortunately was still sleeping. She had time to shower and work out her stiff muscles. She hadn’t done anything that physical in too long to remember.

She finally dressed, gathered Jacob and headed down the stairs. “Good morning, Mrs. Anderson. I hope you slept well,” Tina greeted her.

“I did. Thank you,” she automatically replied.

“Mr. Anderson asked me to tell you he had to run into the office today and would be gone all afternoon. He said the new nanny would arrive around eight,” she said, before placing Jessica’s breakfast before her.

“Thank you.”

Jessica fed Jacob while eating her own breakfast, then settled down in the den to wait for Julia, her new nanny.

Julia arrived early and got her room organized in no time. Jessica, Julia and Jacob spent the day together around the house. Jessica couldn’t find any faults with Julia and had to admit it was very nice to have an extra pair of hands to help with the baby. She eventually even went to spend some time in the garden, without fear of not hearing Jacob.

Jessica decided if her marriage ended up not working she was going to keep Julia with her. She was enjoying the help and could see Julia loved children.

As Jessica sat in the garden, she tried to figure out how she really felt about her husband. They did enjoy each other’s company, she was definitely attracted to him and they shared a child together. He was unlike any man she’d ever known before. She would have to do some real soul searching, because she was terrified to let her guard down and let him in.

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