“Mama, someone is looking for you,” Alex’s voice came around the corner about a second before he stepped through the doorway.

Jessica gulped in her handsome husband and son. “Mama, hold,” Jacob demanded of her, as he reached out to her from his father’s arms.


“Of course, my sweet boy. I can’t believe you’re a year old today. Is it your birthday?” she asked him before tickling his belly.

“My day,” he said in his sweet baby voice.

“Yes it is and you have grandpa and grandma and your aunts and uncles coming to see you,” she said.

“Gampa, yeah,” he said and started looking around.

“He’s not here yet,” she said with a smile. She loved how bonded her son was with both his grandfathers.

“I wan gampa,” he demanded with a little scowl between his brows, reminding her so much of her husband.

“I like how he knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to demand it,” Alex stated proudly. “Come on Jacob, I think I hear grandpa in the hall,” he said as Jacob eagerly leapt back into his father’s arms.

Alex laughed and bent down kissing her quickly before leaving the room. She slowly followed her two favorite men.

“About time you brought my grandson down here. I have been waiting about five minutes now,” came Joseph’s booming voice.

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Alex chuckled, as Jacob practically flew into his grandpa’s arms.

Jacob patted Joseph’s face to get his attention, “my day gampa,” he said with a cheeky smile.

“Yes it is your birthday Jacob. Let’s go sneak into some candy,” he whispered, although everyone in the room could hear him.

“Dad, don’t give him a bunch of junk food or he’ll get cranky,” Alex said, although he knew his words were falling on deaf ears. As he figured, Joseph acted like he hadn’t heard a word. Jessica had to laugh. When Joseph wanted to spoil his grandkids, there was nothing anyone could do to stop him.

“I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look today,” Alex said to her and then took her into his arms and kissed her softly. She immediately melted as he deepened the kiss. He was getting ready to take her back upstairs.

They’d been together for almost a year and she still had the ability to tighten his stomach. He wanted her every second of the day. She was beautiful and passionate.

Hell, he thought the party could wait on them. “You guys want to go upstairs for a while. I will cover for you,” said the laughing voice of Mark.

Jessica jumped out of Alex’s arms and could feel her face getting hot. She hated how easily she blushed. She couldn’t believe she’d been caught necking in the hallway like she was some undersexed teenager.

Alex glared at his brother. “You could’ve just gone out back with the rest of the family and not so rudely interrupted,” he said far too meanly in Jessica’s opinion. He did look even sexier when he was in a temper, which he clearly was.

“Oh quit being a stick in the mud, you have all night to continue kissing. Now be a good brother and get me a beer,” he said and practically dragged Alex from the room.

Jessica took a few moments to compose herself before heading in the direction of the party. She stared at the large group of family and friends on her back deck and smiled. Her son was so lucky to have so many people who adored him.

Whenever she began to think she couldn’t stay another day in the house with a man who didn’t love her, she would be at a family gathering and her resolve would deepen. She loved this group of people so much and the thought of not having them in her life was unbearable.

It wasn’t like Alex was cruel to her in any way. He was simply honest, saying he couldn’t love her. He wanted her which was obvious. Their passion burned greatly. She was coming to believe he just didn’t want to be in love with anyone and it wasn’t personal.

Jessica snapped back to reality and looked around the crowded yard once again. Her smile was genuine as she spotted her beautiful child and her niece and nephew.

Jasmine and Jacob were in the swings, with grandpa pushing them both. “Higher gampa,” Jasmine yelled and then squealed with delight when grandpa accommodated her.

“How are you doing dear?” Katherine asked, as she walked up to Jessica.

“I’m great, thanks Mom,” she replied. Katherine was such a quiet person, sometimes she got engulfed from her huge force of a husband. All the kids knew grandma was the real source of magic in the family though.

She had an amazing heart and more love to give than any other person Jessica knew. Jessica was glad her family meshed so well with the Anderson family. They’d all become one instead of two.

“I can’t believe Jacob is a year old already. The time simply goes by far too quickly, in my opinion,” Katherine said with some sadness.

“I agree, it seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. He will be off to college before I have a chance to blink,” she said with some panic.

“It doesn’t happen quite that quickly but it sure seems like it. I’m grateful my boys decided to live close to home. When Mark graduated and moved out a piece of my heart broke. Letting go of any of your children is hard but the youngest one is the final piece and it feels like a piece of you leaves with them. I’m also grateful they’re finally marrying and giving me grandkids. It helps ease the heartache a little,” she added.

Jessica looked guiltily down at her feet for a moment. She knew her father and Alex’s parents were hoping to have many more grandkids but Jessica was so afraid to even bring it up with Alex. She was afraid he would say no and she would have to finally accept they couldn’t stay together.

“Three grandkids in just under three years is pretty good,” Jessica said instead.

“Yes, they really are a blessing. Joseph has been mumbling now about Mark settling down. I’ve told him time and again to leave the boy alone. He’ll have kids when he’s ready for it but you know Joseph, he’s stubborn. He thinks he fools me but I’ve been married to the man for far too many years for him to get away with much,” she said with a wink.

“He’s definitely stubborn. His sons and grandsons have inherited that trait,” Jessica said with a fond smile.

“I’m going to steal that new grandson of mine before Joseph gets his hands on him,” Katherine said. She kissed Jessica’s cheek and then headed over to Amy, who had just walked around the corner.

Amy walked over to Jessica, now that her arms were empty. “I barely get to see my kids when we are around this group,” Amy complained but the twinkle in her eyes took away any bite in the words.

“I know how you feel,” Jessica agreed with her sister-in-law.

“I really couldn’t imagine being a part of one of those families who never speak to one another. It breaks my heart now to think about that,” Amy said with true knowledge.

Jessica knew Amy had grown up with an addicted mother until the day she went into the foster care system. She’d worked her way through college and then met Lucas while working for the Anderson Corporation.

Having a close family was something Jessica had always taken for granted, whereas Amy had never known such a loving group of people. Jessica reached over and gave Amy a big hug. “I’m so glad you are my sister Amy. I’m glad you were able to find the family you were meant to have,” Jessica said.

Amy had to wipe away a few tears, “now look what you made me do,” she said with a sniffle. “I’m so glad to have you, too,” she added.

“What’s wrong Amy,” Lucas came running up, as if he had radar built in. He was gathering Amy in his arms while scoping the yard to make sure his children and the rest of the family were all okay. He couldn’t seem to find any danger and that led to his brow furrowing even more.

“Everything is just perfect, that’s why I’m crying,” she said with a sniffle.

Lucas looked at her like she’d lost her mind for a moment and that set both women off in a round of giggles. “Lucas, you have to understand we cry when we are happy and sad. It’s just one of those mysterious things about women,” Jessica finally managed to get out between giggles.

“Is everything okay,” Alex asked as he looked from his brother to the two laughing women. Lucas gave him a look that seemed to say, you figure them out, which sent the girls off on another round of laughter. They were both holding their stomachs and tears were streaming down their faces they were laughing so hard.

“You’ve got to stop talking or I’m going to get a major cramp,” Amy finally managed to get out between bits of laughter.

“Agreed,” Jessica said.

Both guys threw up their hands and by mutual consent edged away from the girls. “We better go finish the grilling,” Lucas said.

“Yeah, I’ll help you,” Alex eagerly took the cue and they fled.

After a few minutes Jessica and Amy were able to quit laughing. “I love doing that to him,” Amy said mischievously.

“That was quite fun,” Jessica agreed.

“Let’s go get something to drink. All this laughter is great but man my stomach hurts now,” Amy said. “Plus I have got to get off these feet; I swear they are still swollen and acting like I’m pregnant.”

“I could use a drink myself. I’ve been fighting the flu and having a hard time keeping things down, so don’t bring the baby to close to me. I would never forgive myself if I got my nephew sick,” Jessica said.

The girls joined the rest of the party, stealing two very comfortable chairs for themselves. The food was excellent and Jessica was relaxed and calm.

“It’s time to sing happy birthday,” Alex shouted above the voices as he came walking out of the house with a large chocolate cake and a single candle burning in the center.

Jacob blew out his candle with the help of his father and then clapped his hands with everyone else. Everybody roared with laughter when Jacob stuck his little hand into the cake and smeared it all over himself, saying yummy over and over again.

Jessica’s eyes filled with tears as she watched Alex stick his face into the cake with their son. She loved how much they were bonded. “Daddy likes cake too,” Jacob squealed and then giggled.

“So does grandpa,” Joseph said and took a big handful for himself.

“I think I’ll pass on the cake,” Jessica said with affection, while staring at her chocolate covered men.

“I will second that,” Amy added.

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” Alex said. Before she could stop him, Alex took a chocolate smeared finger and rubbed it down her nose. She stood there in shock for a moment and then fast as lightening scooped up a small piece of the cake and chucked it at her husband.

She saw the light of mischief come into his eyes and decided it was a great time to retreat. She took off running but Alex caught her in no time. He gently tackled her to the ground and rubbed his chocolate covered face against hers.

Jessica was laughing so hard she could barely speak. “Okay, okay I call truce,” she finally managed to get out.

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