The Last Kind Word (Mac McKenzie #10)

The Last Kind Word (Mac McKenzie #10)
Category: Mystery ,Thriller ,
Series: Mac McKenzie
Views: 146,566
Total pages: 100
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A reformed newspaper reporter and ad man, Housewright's book "Penance" (Foul Play Press) earned the 1996 Edgar Award for Best First Novel from the Mystery Writers of America and was nominated for a Shamus in the same category by the Private Eye Writers of America.

"Practice to Deceive" won the 1998 Minnesota Book Award (it is currently being developed as a feature film) and "Jelly's Gold" won the same prize in 2010. His 11th novel -- "Highway 61" -- was published in June 2011.

Housewright's short stories have appeared in several anthologies including "Silence of the Loons," "Twin Cities Noir," "Resort to Murder," and "Once Upon A Crime" and publications as diverse as Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and True Romance.

He has a line of books featuring Rushmore McKenzie -- a former cop turned millionaire.

He has another line of books featuring Holland Taylor -- a former cop turned private detective.